Baldur's Gate 1 Open the file Baldur.ini in your Baldur's Gate directory and add the line Cheats=1 under the [Game Options] entry. Then save the file and run the game. Once in the game, hit Ctrl-Tab to bring up the console in which you type the cheats. Ctrl-Tab will also close this console. Type in the cheats exactly as they appear below and hit the [Enter] key to activate. Cheats:TheGreatGonzo() - Summons 10 killer chickens who defend you. Cheats:FirstAid() - Creates 5 healing potions, 5 neutralize poison potions, and 1 stone to flesh scroll. Cheats:Midas() - Gives you 500 gold. Cheats:CowKill() - Creates a CowKill spell if you're near a cow. Cheats:DrizztAttacks() - Creates a hostile Drizzt. Cheats:DrizztDefends() - Creates a friendly Drizzt. Cheats:CriticalItems() - Spawns all the game's critical items. Cheats:Hans() - Moves your characters to a free adjacent area. Cheats:ExploreArea() - Marks entire area explored. After editing the Baldur.ini file in the Bgate directory, (as was done for the other cheats), you can use the following codes: CLUAConsole:CreateItem("xxx") where xxx is the code for an item, see below CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("yyy") where yyy is the name of a creature or NPC ie: CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Ray") will create a gibberling CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Khalid") will create Khalid CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Noober") will create the best NPC in the game ;) Note: The name you enter is limited to 6 characters, so some names are different, as in Jaheira would have to be entered as blah:("Jaheir") CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("8900") <- this can be up to 89000 (Bundyo) Set the current Experience points for all party members to 8900 ITEMS: FROM: AMUL01 AROW01 AX1H01 BELT01 BLUN01 BOLT01 AMULxx AROWxx AX1Hxx BELTxx BLUNxx BOLTxx TO: AMUL08 AROW11 AX1H05 BELT05 BLUN07 BOLT06 BOOK01 BOOT01 BOW01 BRAC01 BULL01 CHAN01 BOOKxx BOOTxx BOWxx BRACxx BULL02 CHANxx BOOK70 BOOT05 BOW08 BRAC10 BULL03 CHAN06 CLCK01 DAGG01 DART01 HALB01 HAMM01 HELM01 CLCKxx DAGGxx DARTxx HALBxx HAMMxx HELMxx CLCK17 DAGG08 DART04 HALB03 HAMM03 HELM14 LEAT01 MAGE01 MISC01 PLAT01 POTN02 LEATxx MAGExx MISCxx PLATxx POTNxx LEAT08 MAGE06 MISC88 PLAT06 POTN46 RING01 RINGxx CLUAConsole:AddGold("xxx") - where xxx is number of GP CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() - Enables the cheat keys. CTRL+J -> Jump to Mouse Cursor CTRL+B -> End Game Movie CTRL+S -> Choose animation sequence CTRL+A -> Execute animation sequence CTRL+D -> Some statistics CTRL+F -> Turn around Tales of the Sword Coast Items List (Add the same way): AMUL17 -- Greenstone Amulet MISC2M -- Dwarven Rune Wardstone MISC2O -- Lock of hair from Kirindale MISC2I -- Wardstone Forgery STAF06 -- Staff-Mace STAF07 -- Staff-Spear +2 STAF08 -- Quarterstaff +3 SCRL5A -- Mental Domination SCRL5B -- Defensive Harmony SCRL5C -- Protection from Lightening SCRL5D -- Protection from Evil 10' Radius SCRL5E -- Champion's Strength SCRL5F -- Chaotic Commands SCRL5G -- Remove Curse SCRL5H -- Emotion SCRL5I -- Greater Malaison SCRL5R -- Anderis Journal SCRL5S -- Dezekiel's Scroll Secrets list: * Ring of Protection * 1 map directly south of friendly arm x=1004 y=1115 * Ring of Fire Resistance & Iol Gem & Star Sapphire * Area directly East of the Nashkel Mines Overland Map X=1955 y=2372 * Ring of Wizardy * map of friendly arm x=2553 y=3758 * Ankheg Plate Armor * x=187, y=2747 AR4800 (Nashkel) It's on the farmer's land, far east, under a tree near the edge. * Wand of frost * On the Nashkel mines map Co-ords X= 169, Y=177 NW corner in a dead tree * Scrolls of Cloudkill & Chromatic Orb * Area directly West of Nashkel Mines Overland Map X=1793 Y=414 The Ankhegs infest the area north of the Friendly Arms Inn. There is a huge ankheg hole in the ground to the mid left of the screen. Inside, there is a visible ankheg horde, 4 caves to the right: Brun's dead son, Chainmail+1, Potion of Magic Protection, Wand of Fire, Dagger +1, 5 Darts of Stunning, 5 Darts of Wounding, Ghost Armor Spell, Dire Charm Spell, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Antidote. Bracers AC 7 at the Baldurs Gate bridge, follow the river north to the house and speak to the BitchQueens priestess. Flail +1 from the farmers for killing the BitchQueen's priestess. They are outside the large house to the far far left of the map just north of the Friendly Arms Inn. Hidden scrolls: West of Nashkul mines; x1793, y414 * Tomes * Constitution - In cave of Sirines on Lighthouse map Strength/Wisdom - In Caverns under Castlekeep Wisdom - From Temple in BG Dex - In thieves guild in BG Int - At top of Razamith's tower in BG charisma - caves near the Gnoll fortress Hard Truck: 18 Wheels Of Steel This cheat will enable the console from which you can issue some cheat commands. Open up config.cfg and change the following: uset g_console "1" This enables the console. Open the console by pressing "`" (the key to the left of "1") Then you can use the following cheats: cheat truck (n) - Change truck type, use number from 1 - 6 cheat skill (n) - Change your skill rating from 1 - 4 cheat dmeet - Meet all drivers cheat contracts flow (n1)(n2) - Gives you licensed routes at skill 1 - 4 *) cheat money (n) - Set the amount of money you want to have cheat noticket - No more speeding or overweight tickets *) Do this for each route in the management screen. Only the highlighted route will be affected by this cheat The first defines for which route you want a contract, the second defines the skill rating. A Bug's Life Bonus level Enter BL26 as a password. Level Password 1 9LKK 2 BL26 3 5P9K 4 6652 5 BKK2 6 2PLB 7 6562 8 L58B 04X: Alien Eliminator Press all the keys at the same time Code Result QET - simultaneously to turn cheating on. I - for invincibility. (Turn off with U) asdfg - to select a weapon. N - to immediately enter the next level. WRY - simultaneously to turn cheating off. 101: Airbone Invasion Of Normandy ( 101: Airbone Invasion Of Normandy ) Just type these codes during gameplay: AirNormandy - soldiers re-jump into normandy AngryManDinners - soldiers are given food Iknow - displays all germans, equipment bags, and insides of buildings TraitorTraitor - current soldier surrenders PrisonPod - removes all parachutes Weasel - all soldiers on the map are made available YouGoSquishNow - all the germans on the map are killed Helllive - all the germans on the map are killed. Ihaveyounow - all the germans on the map are surrendered. Beef - all the cows on the map are killed. Heknows - turns off Iknow. Robocop3 - makes your soldier go berzek. Hohoho - Gives your GI a brand new MG42 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue Garage level password: Bone, Bone, Pawprint, Tank. Trap Jasper: When Jasper starts chasing you, run - do not bark or fumble. Run to the beehive that Fidget showed you. If you do this, Jasper will get buzzed. Trap Horace: Find Horace near the blue steps in Piccadilly. Open the manhole. Then let the dog do all the work to trap Horace. Defeating Cruella 1: Shoot Pineapples and hit her five times to win. Note: Power-ups such as the steak will be all around. Finding Lucky: Go behind the chair in the house and push on the wall. Finding Rolly: Enter the kitchen and look inside the cupboard. Finding a bone: Go to the cash register in the toy store level and open it. A bone will appear. 10SIX Warp Without a Teleport Matrix: When you start, build your Nerve Center. Then walk to the very edge of your boundry. The green teleport light should light up. When you get to the edge, press backspace. This will warp you to an adamin where you can teleport for free to anywhere on planet visitor! 12 O'Clock High: Bombing the Reich ( 12 O'Clock High: Bombing the Reich ) As the Allies, you should watch from which airfields enemy interceptors are launching, then bomb and fighter-sweep those fields the next day to pound the enemy fighters on the ground. As the Axis, do not overcommit to the first raid that you pick up, because it can often be a feint. Plot your intercepts to harass a bomber stream over the length of its route, instead of doing one large cluster attack, which leaves you without any follow-up ability for quite some time. As far as fighter combat goes, escorts should always have at least one group flying high cover at 3,000 to 5,000 feet above the main group, and interceptors should be set to take this high cover into account. 147 Snooker While your opponent computer is playing go on pressing [Alt]+[F4] it will become a foul and a miss. NOTE:dont press while u are playing it will quit. STOP THE CUE BALL WHNEVER AND WHEREVER U WANT :!!!! when u are playing the game just press the close button, this wont close the game but it will stop the cue ball when u press the close button thus stopping ur opponent to score. 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America In your "My Documents" folder, open your 18 Wheels of Steel folder. Use Notepad to open the config file. Change the line: uset g_console "0" to uset g_console "1" While playing, press [~] (tilde) to bring up the console, then type any of the following codes: cheat money cheat dealers cheat drivers cheat stars NOTE: To open the console, you need to download patch 1.10. Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Go to Options/Passcodes and use the codes from the list (you will hear a short click if cheat was accepted). Code Result JHGNRGAS Access All Levels FMRYLDAD Dark Side Level EOWXZGAS Team Photo DIWMZIAR Show Credits HRDTOKIL Advanced Shields RQORACAQ Access AAT LFZWKXAA Unlimited Lives XFIIYBAY SwampSpeeder JOBXXFAI Art Gallery RECTVBAH Concert Hall CXSJMIAA Single Shot Kills ABVUSEAY Heat Seek Function (Use Secondary Fire) NASTYMDE Harder Mode Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: The Clone Campa ( Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: The Clone Campaigns ) Press [Enter] during game play to display the chat window. Enter one of the following codes. Effect Code 1000 food - forcefood 1000 ore - forceore 1000 carbon - forcecarbon 1000 food - forcefood 1000 Nova crystals - forcenova Remove fog of war - forcesight Full map - forceexplore Instant construction and research - forcebuild Destroy indicated enemy - darkside<1-8> Destroy all enemies - tarkin Win mission - skywalker Killer Ewok - simonsays Imperial Star Destroyer - imperial entanglements Death Star - that's no moon Corellian Corvette - tantive iv Press [Comma] for invisible naval ship; screen must be over water when activated. - forceboat Speed boat with increased fire power; screen must be over water when activated. - scaryneighbor Hear Star Wars quote - <1-58> StarCraft Press [Enter] & write : operation CWAL - quick building show me the money - 10,000 money The Gathering - unlimited mana Power Overwhelming - God Mode Game over man - Lose Game Noglues - turn off magic in opponent Staying Alive - Mission Never Ends There is no cow level - Win Mission Whats mine is mine - 500 Crystals Breathe deep - 500 Gaz Something for nothing - Upgrade Black Sheep Wall - All Map Medieval man - Free Upgrade to Unit Modify the phase variance - To Build All What You Want War aint what it used to be - Turn of Fog Of War Food for thought - turn of game limits to build units Ophelia - Level Change (For Example terran9 , protoss6) StarCraft: Brood War Hit [ENTER] to enter chat mode, type in the following code and hit [ENTER] again (note: these codes only work in single-player): black sheep wall - entire map revealed breathe deep - gives you 500 vespene gas Food for thought - ability to build units beyond the support limit game over man - instant loss man over game - instant win medieval man - gives free upgrades to units modify the phase variance - gain ability to build any building, regardless of requirements noglues - Opponent can't use psionics Operation CWAL - speed up construction of buildings and units ophelia - Enter this to enable level skipping cheat. Then enter the mission you want to skip to (i.e. terran10, Zerg5, Protoss7, etc.) to go there. Power overwhelming - God Mode Radio free zerg - Zerg song (must be playing Zerg) Show me the money - gain 10,000 gas and 10,000 minerals. something for nothing - everything available is upgraded staying alive - prevents the mission from ending due to victory or defthe gathering - gain unlimited energy to all casting units the gathering - gain unlimited energy to all casting units there is no cow level - completes current mission war ain't what it used to be - no fog of war whats mine is mine - gives you 500 minerals speldin - a more powerful terran nation asstroids - lots of money terran - Terran mission select zerg - Zerg mission select protoss - Protoss mission select For supernuke, when game is loading, type 'xmy66p' five times. Secret Level: Beat Zerg level 9 (The Reckoning) in under 20 minutesto open up a secret Protoss level. However, the mission it self won't appear on the mission select screen for any side, so be sure and save at the start of the level to play it again. Serious Sam Press the [`] or [T] button to bring up the console and use the codes from the list: please giveall - All weapons please fly - Flight mode please refresh - Full health please god - God mode please invisible - Invisibility please ghost - No clipping please killall - Kill all enemies please open - Open all doors please tellall - All data available in NETRICSA CheatMode [alternate]: Press [F1] to display the console window, type one of the following codes, press [Enter], then press [F1] cht_bGod - God mode cht_bGiveAll - All weapons cht_bRefresh - Full health cht_bGhost - No clipping cht_bInvisible - Invisibility cht_bFly - Flight mode Serious Sam: The Second Encounter During gameplay, press [~] for the console and type any of the following codes: Code Result please god - God Mode please giveall - Give All Weapons / Ammo please killall - Kill All Monster On Level please open - Open All Doors please fly - Fly Mode please ghost - No Clipping Mode please invisible- Invisibility please tellall - View All Messages please refresh - Restore Energy Max Payne To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe with the command line parameter "-developer". Example: C:\maxpayne\maxpayne.exe -developer Once you have the game running in developer mode, you get access to the game console with [F12] and enter these codes: coder - God Mode, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, etc God - God Mode Mortal - Become Mortal ShowFPS - Show FPS NoClip - Fly Mode NoClip_off - No Fly Mode getbullettime - Fill Up When Bullet-Time Runs Out showfps - Show Frame Rate getpainkillers - Get 8 PainKillers c_addhealth ( 100 ) - Add 100 to Health GetAllWeapons - All Weapons GetInfiniteAmmo - Infinite Ammo jump10 - Jump Higher (set to 20 or 30 for higher) SetWoundedState - Walk as if Wounded SetNormalState - Walk Normally GetBaseballbat - Baseball Bat GetBeretta - Beretta GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1 GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2 GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun GetIngram - Ingram GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams GetMP5 - MP5 GetColtCommando - Colt Commando GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail GetGrenade - Grenade GetM79 - M79 GetSniper - Sniper Rifle GetHealth - Health GetPainkillers - Pain Killers GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time Jump10 - Big Jump Jump20 - BigBig Jump Jump30 - BigBigBigJump Inventory - Details of Player Clr - Delete Line Help - List Cheats The following keys will be enabled also: [C] - Cycle through three camera modes [PageUp] - Cycle mesh up [PageDown] - Cycle mesh down [Ctrl] + [PageUp] - Cycle TextureSet up [Ctrl] + [PageDown] - Cycle TextureSet down [Home] - Increase game speed [End] - Decrease game speed [Home] + [End] - Set game speed to 1.00x (default speed) [Insert] - Teleport Max to next start point [Delete] - Teleport Max to previous start point [F7] - Switches AI movement network connections visualization [F8] - Switches AI movement network node visualization [F11] - Toggle statistics on / off [F12] - Open Console [Arrow Left] - External camera left [Arrow Right] - External camera right [Arrow Up] - External camera forward [Arrow Down] - External camera backward You can also use these command line parameters to enable/disable some features: -nodialog - Skips the Max Payne startup dialog when loading the game. -skipstartup - Skips the startup animation -screenshot - Enables the F10 key for taking screen shots. Screen shots are saved to "screenshots" folder under your Max Payne installation folder -disable3dpreloads - If the system runs out of texture memory while loading a level, this option may prevent the game from crashing due to a driver error -window - Runs the game in a windowed mode, in the resolution selected from the Max Payne launch dialog. All 3d accelerators do not support running in a windowed mode. Jump to Level: To jump to any level, type the following in the developer console while playing any level: maxpayne_gamemode->gm_init(levelname); where levelname is one of the below: startup_level tutorial end_combat (Secret Finale, use this method instead of "maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );") part0_level1 part2_level0 part3_level1 part1_level1 part2_level1 part3_level2 part1_level1b part2_level2 part3_level2b part1_level2 part2_level2b part3_level3 part1_level2b part2_level3 part3_level4 part1_level3 part2_level4 part3_level5 part1_level3b part3_level5b part1_level4 part3_level6 part1_level5 part3_level7 part1_level6 Easter Eggs: Part I: The American Dream Chapter Two: Live from the Crime Scene Right at the beginning, there is a hole in the bricks in the wall. Cheat yourself a grenade and throw it in. Your mission objectives now say "I had declared a war against rats". A bit later, after walking through some water and taking out a few enemies on a train platform, walk up the wide stairs. In the room at the top are a bunch of rats... with Desert Eagles! Now shoot at one of the ceiling lamps that's off. Hit the base of the lamp and it will fall. The rats will now battle each other. If "your" side wins, the remaining rats will take up defensive positions around you. If your side loses, the remaining rats will come after you. Chapter Two: Live from the Crime Scene You can shoot the wailing siren in the central vault area and Max will thank you. Chapter Three: Playing it Bogart If you walk past Rico Muerte's room to the end of the hall, you can shoot away a boarded-up door. From this room you can walk across the ledge and shoot away a boarded up window to find a dead body with a stake in it lying next to the word "Buff" in blood (as in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), as well as some other goodies. Chapter Six: Fear That Gives Men Wings As you ride the elevator up from Luigi's Laundry, shooting the speaker playing sappy elevator music will bring another "Thank you" from Max. Shortly thereafter, as you leave out the window from the room sporting the thug in the bathroom and the TV news report, walk to the left and there will be a window you can jump through to a room with two Soldier of Fortune 2 posters and a stash of shotguns. If you didn't destroy the elevator speaker earlier, you should be able to hear the music from within this room. Chapter Seven: Police Brutality When Gognitti reaches the locked door, there is a satellite dish behind you on the ledge. If you jump from this corner to the ledge across the alley, you can drop down into the fenced area and open a door to a room with a nice assortment of ammo and a poster proclaiming "Dopefish Lives!" Dopefish is quite possibly the most prolific character in Easter Egg history. Chapter Seven: Police Brutality At the basketball court, there is a Beretta stuck in the net. Also, if you wait by the fence, an SUV wil drive by. If you shoot it, it will crash and the driver will get out to shoot at you. Chapter Eight: Ragna Rock When you reach the inner stage area, you can "use" the drum kit and microphone and step on the guitar for some interesting effects and dialogue. Part II: A Cold Day In Hell Chapter Five: Angel of Death, When you reach the grand piano, you can "use" it and Max will play the title theme. You can get a different effect by shooting out the lid support and trying again. Part IV: A Bit Closer To Heaven Chapter Four: Backstabbing Bastard At the entrance ramp to the car park (from where you start), there is a stack of barrels and an air conditioning unit that you can jump on to reach the roof of the garage. Shoot the off-color panel of the shed there and it will fall away. Inside, you can jump on a grate to fall into a room with the grafitti "R Thanks", a radio you can "use" to hear audio from the production team, and a sniper rifle with ammo. Chapter Five: In the Land of the Blind In the small room after Woten's office (where you find the Aesir building plans), there is a small picture that you can shoot off the wall, revealing a button. Pressing it will raise the couch on the other side of the room, revealing a staircase down to a "private area". In it there is a big screen TV you can use to play a 3DRealms-themed parody of Star Trek. In the adjoining room there is a bed with chains next to a closet full of bondage gear. Secret Finale Ending To access it, enter the following in the developer console: maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( ); Life After Death: After you die, use the console and put yourself in god mode. Max will then come back to life and you can move him around and shoot while a semi stationary camera follows the action. It's kind of hard to see where Max is going because of the camera but it's kind of a neat trick. Tutorial Easter Egg: In the Tutorial, jump on top of the van with the sniper rifle inside, then jump on the ventilation thingy next to the fire escape, then jump on the fire escape. Climb up to the top and shoot the windows and walk through. A message says, "Congratulations, you have discovered a secret room!" There is an Ingram, some Ingram ammo, and 5 molotov cocktails. Pump Action Shotgun: You can get a pump-action shotgun right in Max's house at the very beginning. The shotgun is hidden in his house, on the opposite wall of the phone, in a shutter closet, much like the one that you see right when you get in the house near the door. Open the one farther away from the adjacent room, and you will get a pump-action shotgun with 5 rounds. Unlimited Bullet Time: Assign shootdodge under controls in the options menu to keypad 1. During the game, you can hit this key to slow the action down any time you want. Repeatedly press it and it will slow things down even further to the point of pausing the action. Pressing keypad 7, will speed the action back up. There is no time limit for how long the action is slowed down. Alternate egos: By pressing Keypad 9 or 3 you can change the character Max plays during the game. Be aware that some weapons may not be available to you during the time you are using these alternate characters. Level Warp: By pressing keypad 0, you can warp to different areas of the level, or "chapter," and at the same time you could be standing right in front of enemies and they will not even notice you. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developer, then press [~] to open the console. Give one of the following commands: clear - Clear console screen clr - Clear console screen coder - God mode, all weapons, health, inifinite ammo god - God Mode mortal - disable god mode getallweapons - Get all weapons quit - quit game showfps - Show fps rate showextendedfps - Show extended fps rate getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammo getbullettime - Put player into bullettime getcoltcommando - Get coltcommando with 1000 ammo getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Fill in part of the story line getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Fill in part of the story line getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Fill in part of the story line gethealth - Get 1000 health getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammo getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammo getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers getpumpshotgun - Get pumpshotgun with 1000 ammo getsawedshotgun - Get sawed-off shotgun with 1000 ammo getsniper - Get sniper gun with 1000 ammo getstriker - Get striker gun with 1000 ammo jump10 - Jump 10 high jump20 - Jump 20 high jump30 - Jump 30 high showhud - Turn on HUD help - Much more debug commands Play as a naked woman: Right-click on the shortcut to Max Payne 2. In the Target: line, add this to the end: -developerkeys (remember to add this outside the double quotes, and remember to put a space before it or it will not work). Run the game, then press page up and page down to cycle through the game's character models. Eventually you'll end up as the model of a fully-rendered naked woman Developer Keys: Add the command -developerkeys. The command line should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Max Payne\MaxPayne.exe" -developerkeys or this: C:\Program Files\Max Payne\MaxPayne.exe -developerkeys. Now you can use these buttons for different commands: C-Key - Choose a Cameramode. Default is chase. Next one is free. Next is free with player control. PageUp - Cycle Mesh Up. (you change player model) PageDn - Cycle Mesh Down. (you change player model) Ctrl + PgUp - Cycle TextureSet Up. (you change player texture) Ctrl + PgDn - Cycle TextureSet Down. (you change player texture) Home - Increase Game Speed. End - Decrease Game Speed. Home + End - Set Game Speed To 1.00x. Insert - Teleport Max To Next Start Point. Delete - Teleport Max To Previous Start Point. F7 - Switches AI Movement Network Conn. Visualization. F8 - Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization. F11 - Toggle Statistics ON/OFF. F12 - Open Console. Left-Key - External Camera Left. Right-key - External Camera Right. Up-key - External Camera Forward. Down-Key - External Camera Backward Screenshots To take screenshots do the same thing that's written in the beginning of the Chedeveloper to -screenshots. You can have both at the same time. Now click F10 to screenshots will be placed under the directory screenshots in your Max Payne dirFiles\Max Payne). developer to -screenshots. You can have both at the same time. Now click F10 to screenshots will be placed under the directory screenshots in your Max Payne dirFiles\Max Payne). screenshots will be placed under the directory screenshots in your Max Payne dirFiles\Max Payne). Files\Max Payne). To choose any angle you want while taking screenshots you can use Developer Keys Doom 1 IDDQD God Mode IDBEHOLDx S Berseker mode ( Black medikit) V *********** I Invisibility A All Map R Radiation Boots L Infra Light (o)-(o) IDCHOPPERS Auto Chop IDCLEVxy X level Y Scene IDSPISPOPD ******* IDFA Full Ammo, Guns , ... IDKFA Keys IDMYPOS Hex - Coordinates Doom 2 (and Ultimate Doom) Pass word's are same . IDMUSxx Level xx 00 INTROA 01 RUNNIN 02 STALKS 03 COUNTD 04 BETWEE 05 DOOM 06 THE_DA 07 SHAWN 08 DDTBLU 09 IN_CIT 10 DEAD 11 STLKS2 12 THEDA2 13 DOOM2 14 DDTBL2 15 RUNNI2 16 DEAD2 17 STLKS3 18 ROMERO 19 SHAWN2 20 MESSAG 21 COUNT2 22 DDTBL3 23 AMPIE 24 TEHDA3 25 ADRIAN 26 MESSG2 27 ROMER2 28 TENSE 29 SHAWN3 30 OPENIN 31 EVIL 32 ULTIMA 33 READ_M 34 DM2TTL 35 DM2INT Age Of Empires 1 Demo Version: Cheat code F5: Unknow F6: reveal all the map On/off F7: enable/disable fog of war F8: unknow F9: unknow CRTL-T -Give a menu under wood, food, gold and stone CRTL-W -Give 1000 wood CRTL-F -Give 1000 food CRTL-G -Give 1000 gold CRTL-S -Give 1000 stone CRTL-P -Put some rock when you clik left button on mouse. CTRL-Q -Quick build To enable wood,food,gold and stone CTRL-N to make new game and return in principal menu with Single player, multiplayer... and choose Single player. Choose Campaign and now the cheat is enable. and try other CRTL-? FULL Version Cheats: Press ENTER & After Cheat : MEDUSA - villagers become medusa. When villager is killed, he becomes a black rider. and if killed again becomes a heavy catapult. DIEDIEDIE - you all die RESIGN - you resign REVEAL MAP - reveals all the map PEPPERONI PIZZA - gives yourself 1000 food COINAGE - gives yourself 1000 gold WOODSTOCK - gives yourself 1000 wood QUARRY - gives yourself 1000 stone NO FOG - remove the fog-of-war HARI KARI - Suicide (A More Spectacular Ay To Resign) PHOTON MAN - Get A 'Nuker Trooper' (Guy /W A Laser Gun) GAIA - Control The Animals (You Loose Control Of Your Humans) FLYING DUTCHMAN - Juggernaughts turn into the Flying Dutchman STERIODS - Instant Build HOME RUN - Win The Scenario KILLX - Where 'X' Is The Players Position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) BIGDADDY - Cool car with rocket lancher Demo Version: VICTORY instant Victory In B-Version Try this Cheats : STONE WOOD FOOD GOLD PLAYER[1-8] RESIGN VICTORY SUICIDE KILL[1-8] DIEDIEDIE GIVEMEFISSIONMAN GIVEMEPHOTONMAN Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Press ENTER while you are playing, it will open the chat window, then type one of the following codes: POLO = Remove Fog MARCO = Reveal Map AEGIS = Immidiate Building ROCK ON = 1000 Stone LUMBERJACK = 1000 Wood ROBIN HOOD = 1000 Gold CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S = 1000 Food NATURAL WONDERS = Control Nature RESIGN = Defeat yourself WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY = Destroy yourself I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD = Gives a VDML HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON = Gives a 'cobra' car TORPEDOx = Kills opponent x (where x is the opponent number) TO SMITHEREENS = Gives a saboteur BLACK DEATH = Destroying all the enemies I R WINNER = Victory Command Line Cheats: Use one of the following command line parameters to start the game 800 - Change screen res to 800x600 1024 - Change screen res to 1024x768 1280 - Change screen res to 1280x1024 autompsave - Enable Auto save Mfill - Cure display problems with some video cards Msync - Cure SoundBlaster AWE freezes NoMusic - Turn Off music. NormalMouse - Standard mouse pointer NoSound - Disable all sounds except during FMV sequences NoStartup - No pre-game FMV sequences NoTerrainSound - Turn Off all terrain sounds Hot Keys: To activate one of these cheats, enter its corresponding hotkey below. Cheat Hotkey Build immutable structure - [Ctrl] + P New resource menu - [Ctrl] + T Speed construction - [Ctrl] + Q View ending - [Ctrl] + C Age Of Empires 2: The Conquerors Hit [Enter] during the game, and enter the following: 1000 food - cheese steak jimmy's 1000 gold - robin hood 1000 stone - rock on 1000 wood - lumberjack Cobra car - how do you turn this on Control nature - natural wonders Destroy all opponents - black death Fast building - aegis Flying dogs - woof woof Full map - marco Instant loss - resign Instant victory - i r winner Kill Opponent 1 - torpedo1 Kill Opponent 2 - torpedo2 Kill Opponent 3 - torpedo3 Kill Opponent 4 - torpedo4 Kill Opponent 5 - torpedo5 Kill Opponent 6 - torpedo6 Kill Opponent 7 - torpedo7 Kill Opponent 8 - torpedo8 Little monkey - furious the monkey boy No fog of war - polo Saboteur unit - to smithereens Suicide - wimpywimpywimpy Tall, fast moving, useless villager - i love the monkey head Age Of Empires: Rise of Rome Just type in these codes in the chat window: king arthur - changes birds into dragons (999 HP) grantlinkspence -Turns animals into Animal Kings. big momma - White car with a rocket launcher that can kill animals pow - new unit: BabyPrez (Baby on trike) (500 HP, 50 str, 10 arm, 15 mg) convert this! - new priest unit ("Saint Francis"), who kills his enemies by lightning (25 HP, 200 str, 0 arm, 10 rng) stormbilly - get a sci-fi robot ("Zug 209") (100 HP, 20 str, 10 arm, 15 rng) photon man - gives a space age man with suits and laser rifles. upsifflintmobile - Makes chariot archers extremely fast steroids - Instant Everything flying dutchman - Juggernauts can fly over land Reincarnation To bring a villager back in the next life, highlight a member of the general populace and press [Enter]. Then type MEDUSA and march them off to peril. Villagers return as Black Riders; and Black Riders become heavy catapults. Catapults fire on Peasants To fire on civilians, highlight a catapult and press [Enter]. Then type: JACK BE NIMBLE. Depending upon its orientation, catapults target different members of the populace. Direction - Target East: peasants North: cattle South: peasants West: Superman Age of Mythology To activate these cheat codes, press enter, type in the code, and then press enter again to activate it. NOTE:CODES ARE CAP SENSITEVE!!!!! (keep caps lock on) THRILL OF VICTORY - Win Scenario IN DARKEST NIGHT - Nighttime Mode MOUNT OLYMPUS - Max Favor SET ASCENDANT - Show All Animals CONSIDER THE INTERNET - Slow Down Units WRATH OF THE GODS - New God Powers PANDORAS BOX - New God Power DIVINE INTERVENTION - Enable Used God Power JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 100 Food TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE - Get 100 Wood ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold LAY OF THE LAND - Show Map UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT - Hide Map IN DARKEST NIGHT - Nighttime Mode MOUNT OLYMPUS - Max Favor SET ASCENDANT - Show All Animals CONSIDER THE INTERNET - Slow Down game GOATUNHEIM - Turn Enemy to Goats FEAR THE FORAGE - Chicken Metero God Power I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!!! - Add Monkeys WUV WOO - Flying Purple Hippo TINES OF POWER - ForkBoy O CANADA - Lazer Bear ISIS HEAR MY PLEA - Heroes from the Campaign RED TIDE - Changes Water to Red CHANNEL SURFING - Units can Walk on Water L33T SUPA H4X0R - Fast Build Note: All cheats are case sensitive! Alternative Cheat Mode When you enter in the game you, press enter, after will show a screen: Type this worlds: Garlic, Karnecs, Dragon and Dugerons Fight, next will show other screen to you choose the cheat that you want. Age of Mythology: The Titans While playing the game press enter and than input these codes: TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE - 1000 wood JUNK FOOD NIGHT - 1000 food ATM OF EREBUS - 1000 gold L33T SUPA H4X0R - Buildings Build Much Faster BAWK BAWK BOOM - Gives you a chicken meteor god power WUV WOO - Gives you a flying purple hippo TINES OF POWER - Gives you a forkboy GOATUNHEIM - Gives you a god power that turns every unit on the map to goats O CANADA - Gives you a lazer bear FEAR THE FORAGE - Gives you a walking berry bushes power ISIS HEAR MY PLEA - Gives you all heros from original AoM campaign DIVINE INTERVENTION - Gives you all used god powers back I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! - Gives you alot of monkeys PANDORAS BOX - Gives you four random god powers MOUNT OLYMPUS - Gives you full favor WRATH OF THE GODS - Gives you lightning storm, earthquake, meteor, and tornado god powers UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT - Hides the map IN DARKEST NIGHT - Makes game time night RED TIDE - Makes water red SET ASCENDANT - Reveals all the animals on the map LAY OF THE LAND - Reveals the map CHANNEL SURFING - Skip to the next scenario in the campaign CONSIDER THE INTERNET - Slows down units THRILL OF VICTORY - Win the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Start the game and type any one of those cheats when playing the game. General Cheats: THUGSTOOLS - All Level1 Weapons PROFESSIONALTOOLS - All Level2 Weapons NUTTERTOOLS - All Level3 Weapons ASPIRINE - Full Health PRECIOUSPROTECTION - Full Armor FANNYMAGNET - Ladies Magnet (women follow you) YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE - Higher Wanted Level LEAVEMEALONE - No Wanted Level ICANTTAKEITANYMORE - Commit Suicide Character Skin Cheats: DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS - Fat Body PROGRAMMER - Skinny arms and legs STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - Random Change of Clothes CERTAINDEATH - Smoke a cigarette CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED - Play as Ricardo Diaz LOOKLIKELANCE - Play as Lance Vance MYSONISALAWYER - Play as Ken Rosenberg LOOKLIKEHILARY - Play as Hilary King ROCKANDROLLMAN - Play as Love Fist character Jezz Torent WELOVEOURDICK - Play as Love Fist character Dick ONEARMEDBANDIT - Play as Phil Cassidy. IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY - Play as Sonny Forelli. FOXYLITTLETHING - Play as Mercedes Vehicle Spawn Cheats: PANZER - Spawns a Rhino TRAVELINSTYLE - Spawns a Bloodring Banger GETTHEREQUICKLY - Spawns Bloodring Banger#2 GETTHEREFAST - Spawns a Sabre Turbo GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED - Spawns a Hotring Racer GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST - Spawns Hotring Racer#2 THELASTRIDE - Spawns a Romero's Hearse ROCKANDROLLCAR - Spawns Love Fist's Limo RUBBISHCAR - Spawns a Trashmaster BETTERTHANWALKING - Spawns a Caddie Vehicle Cheats: BIGBANG - Blows up all nearby vehicles MIAMITRAFFIC - Aggressive Traffic AHAIRDRESSERSCAR - All Pink Vehicles IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK - All Black Vehicles COMEFLYWITHME - Vehicles have flying ability GRIPISEVERYTHING - Better Vehicle Handling GREENLIGHT - All Traffic Lights are green SEAWAYS - Vehicles drive on water WHEELSAREALLINEED - Makes only vehicle wheels visible LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS - Sportscars have bigger wheels Weather Cheats: ALOVELYDAY - Clear Weather APLEASANTDAY - Lightly Clouded ABITDRIEG - Dense Clouds CANTSEEATHING - Foggy Weather CATSANDDOGS - Stormy Weather Miscellaneous Cheats: LIFEISPASSINGMEBY - Speeds up Game Clock ONSPEED - Makes everything faster BOOOOOORING - Makes everything slower FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT - Aggressive Pedestrians NOBODYLIKESME - Everybody wants to kill you OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS - Pedestrians carry weapons CHICKSWITHGUNS - Only Female Peds carry weapons CHASESTAT - Shows Media Level Unknown Cheats: HOPINGIRL - ?????? AIRSHIP - ?????? Drive Car In Mansion: Get A fast Car and drive towards the entrance of the mansion, then bail out at the last minute and the car will go flying in. go inside and it will be waiting for u to drive. Happy Carpet Wrecking! How not to let your vehicles explode: When you see you vehicles (cars,motorcycles and etc) pause the game and type aspirine.It may look wrecked but it wont explode. Grand Theft Auto 3 Type in the following codes while playing for the desired effect: Code Result GUNSGUNSGUNS - All Weapons IFIWEREARICHMAN - More Money GESUNDHEIT - Full Health MOREPOLICEPLEASE - Raise Wanted Level NOPOLICEPLEASE - Lower Wanted Level GIVEUSATANK - Tank BANGBANGBANG - Blow Up All Cars ILIKEDRESSINGUP - Change Outfit/Skin ITSALLGOINGMAAAD - Peds Fight Each Other NOBODYLIKESME - Peds All Hate You WEAPONSFORALL - Crazy Peds TIMEFLIESWHENYOU - Faster Time BOOOOORING - Slower Time TURTOISE - Full Armor SKINCANCERFORME - Clear Weather ILIKESCOTLAND - Cloudy Weather ILOVESCOTLAND - Rainy Weather PEASOUP - Foggy Weather MADWEATHER - Faster Time ANICESETOFWHEELS - Invisible Cars With Visible Wheels CORNERSLIKEMAD - Improve Car Handling NASTYLIMBSCHEAT - More Gore GUNSGUNSGUNS - All Weapons IFIWEREARICHMAN - More Money GESUNDHEIT - Full Health MOREPOLICEPLEASE - Raise Wanted Level NOPOLICEPLEASE - Lower Wanted Level GIVEUSATANK - Tank BANGBANGBANG - Blow Up All Cars ILIKEDRESSINGUP - Change Outfit/Skin ITSALLGOINGMAAAD - Peds Fight Each Other NOBODYLIKESME - Peds All Hate You WEAPONSFORALL - Crazy Peds TIMEFLIESWHENYOU - Faster Time BOOOOORING - Slower Time TURTOISE - Full Armor SKINCANCERFORME - Clear Weather ILIKESCOTLAND - Cloudy Weather ILOVESCOTLAND - Rainy Weather PEASOUP - Foggy Weather MADWEATHER - Faster Time ANICESETOFWHEELS - Invisible Cars With Visible Wheels CHITTYCHITTYBB or CHITTYCITTYBB - Low Gravity CORNERSLIKEMAD - Improve Car Handling NASTYLIMBSCHEAT - More Gore Counter-Strike: Condition Zero You may have to type "sv_cheats 1" in console first and tipe restart and hit enter. The following commands are available in console: god - invincibility Impluse 101 - Give D-Eagle, AVP, AK-47 and MP5.. Noclip - No clip mode fly - fly mode Access the console by pressing [`] and then enter the following: bot_kill - kills all bots allowing you to win if the bomb is not planted restart - to restart the map without losing any goals All Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes Bring down the console by pressing [`] and enter "cl_levellocks 16382" Unpatriotic Suicide: In the Deleted Scenes level, "Alamo" shoot the U.S. flag that is on top of the emabassy and you will automatically die.